Thursday, June 4, 2009

Chris Ferguson Challenge: Session Two

Starting stack $16.12.

So I started by sitting down to a $1.25 SNG Two Table. Finished 15th out of 18. Sweet, now I have an extra $1.25 just to get back to my starting money.

Back to my 2 cent/5 cent NL cash game. Here are the highlights . . .

  • I go all in AA vs. KK, trip my aces on the flop of AQJ . . . ruht roh. A King or Ten felts me, but it was not to be, turn 4, river 9. I go from $2.08 to $3.95.
  • After observing a hyper aggressive player at the table continuously go all in with any decent hand, I call his $1.02 all-in with my pocket nines . . . he turns over K2 off suit. No King comes, I go from $4.32 to $5.30.
  • After losing some money (90 cents) folding my top pair Aces with a 9 kicker to a $5 all in, my stack dwindled down to $4.15 . . . I am pleased with my 40 cent profit and figure I will play my blinds plus one more rotation . . . I get dealt Q7 diamonds on the big blind and get to check my option to see a flop. I hit my flush on the river and bet out 60 cents, I get two callers and take down the pot. Session over. $5.42 in my stack. More than double what I sat down with.
Final tally for the evening, and new bank roll total . . . $17.77. I am up $2.74 in 3 hours of playing. About 90 cents an hour.

All I have to say about all of this is thank god I have my regular Thursday night game tomorrow night, this penny poker is exhausting.


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