Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Weekend Summary: Chris Ferguson Challenge

So I had a pretty busy weekend: A Family Yard Sale, a Taekwondo test, and a Phish concert. It was an awesome weekend, and to top it off I had Monday off. I had intended to get in a few hours of poker on my day off, but I only managed about an hour and a half. In three sessions over the weekend (a total of 3 hours and twenty minutes) I went from $17.77 to $27.30.

I am playing micro-stakes poker still. I am getting a little bored, but I can definitely appreciate the value of bankroll management. I have almost doubled my original bankroll in less than a week. When I hit $50 the official rules kick in. If you have been following, I am allowed to buy into any game for $2.50 . . . $50 bankroll is the end of this exception, which basically means I will not be doubling my bankroll at the same rate.


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